
On December 2, 2022, Max Bojarski, along with other representatives of European organizations promoting humanistic values, participated in a high-level meeting with Margaritis Schinas – Vice President of the European Commission, and Othmar Karas – First Vice President of the European Parliament. The meeting was part of the consultations of the European Commission regarding the implementation of Article 17 (cooperation of EU authorities with representatives of organizations promoting humanistic values).

The main topic of the meeting revolved around the question of the impact of the war in Ukraine on the European Union, both currently and in the future. It was a fruitful discussion on supporting Ukraine, defending European democratic values, fundamental rights, and the rule of law. Max Bojarski addressed, among other things, the potential impact of psychological education on the development of societies in the spirit of sustainable development, and drew attention to some threats to freedom of belief within the EU coming from outside the Community’s borders.


Following this meeting and in response to the issues raised during it, the European Commission decided to appoint Frans van Daele as a Special Envoy for promoting freedom of religion and belief outside the EU. Mr. van Daele assumed this position immediately. The Special Envoy will report to Vice President Schinas, who is responsible for conducting the Commission’s dialogue with churches and religious communities, as well as with philosophical and non-denominational organizations. It is important to note that freedom of religion or belief is under attack in many parts of the world, hence the role played by Frans van Daele will be crucial in this regard