
The first edition of the Sustainability Leadership Academy lasted over 20 weeks and brought together a community of people involved in changes relating to sustainable development. The main task for the participants was to prepare a digital project on monitoring the risks posed by the coronavirus pandemic. 17 experts from various fields of science, business and art gave lectures that included both theory and practice. The combination of international market experience and workshop methodology resulted in high dynamics and impressive results of the presented projects.

Lecture topics included: the concept of sustainable development, active communication and problem solving, new technologies in practice, project and change management, personal resources and strength of character, building mental toughness, sustainable financial management, intellectual property and data protection, civic education, marketing the green revolution, or social ecology 2.0.

The Institute of European Thought puts the development of competencies and modern teaching methods at the core of its mission. – said President Cezary Filipowicz, while presenting the participants with certificates of the Institute of European Thought. The participants of the first edition of the Sustainability Leadership Academy confirm and prove that young citizens want to engage in the process of changes resulting from the culture of sustainable development. – Filipowicz added.

I am surprised by the high level of the presented works and the involvement of all the project groups. – said Dawid Zieliński, CEO of Columbus Energy, funder of the main prize. “I am glad that the winners of the SLA will join the Columbus team and infect us with their green energy and talent,” added Zieliński.

A nice surprise was a special award presented by the CEO of the Carbon Footprint Foundation in the form of an invitation to Krakow for the Carbon Footprint Summit 2021 conferences (https://carbonfootprintsummit.com) and participation on the main stage during the presentation of the winning project.

The 2nd edition of the Sustainability Leadership Academy will start in mid-2022!

Click this link to read more about the 1st edition of SLA