
For the second time already, the Institute of European Thought has become a partner of the Good Practices Congress. The current, third edition of the event will be held on 8 December 2021 in the hybrid format and will be dedicated to good practices in the ESG and SDG areas.

The Good Practices Congress is a unique space for debate and sharing good practices in business. The first edition of the event was held in March this year, on the anniversary of the introduction of lockdown in Poland. It was attended by over a hundred panelists representing entrepreneurs from various industries. The second edition, held at the turn of May and June, was dedicated to best practices of companies listed on the WSE and was the largest event dedicated to this topic on the capital market.

On December 8, during the third edition of KDP, experts from the world of business, startups and NGOs will share good practices in the area of sustainable development and climate challenges. The Institute of European Thought is organizing, among others, a special expert panel “ESG: what does it mean and why is it important?” and, as part of the ongoing Youth Forum of the Institute of European Thought, is responsible for events presented on Stage 2 concerning Good Health and Well-being and the aspect of Sustainable Cities and Communities.

The responsibility arising from the goals and missions of the Sustainable Development Policy affects us all equally. I am glad that during this edition of the event, the Institute will be able to work with experts on the idea of the ESG matrix during the original panel.- says Teresa Grabowska, member of the Supervisory Board of the Institute of European Thought and project coordinator. The observations of the young generation in the area of quality of life seem to be particularly interesting, hence we will listen with great pride and curiosity to the voices of the members of the Youth Forum presented during the meetings on Stage 2,” adds Grabowska.

The Congress is accompanied by the Contest for the Committed, which aims at selecting the best initiatives supporting the implementation of the 17 SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)

Detailed programme of the event and registration link: https://kongresdobrychpraktyk.pl